Lulupop pants no chance susan lanyi kid book mademoiselle jules

I want to share with you this really cute children's book written by Susan Lanyi which I recently discovered and that my girls cannot get enough of! It's a great gift idea for the holiday season.

Susan Lanyi lives in Montreal with her husband, three children and puppy.  She is a full time Mom and writer has previously been published in the Globe and Mail.  When Susan is not busy writing or being a mom she is shopping for dresses for her daughter.

susan lanyi lulupop pants no chance kid book mademoiselle jules mlle

About the book : Lulupop rarely puts up a fuss, except when it comes to wearing pants.  Dresses, dresses, dresses, is all she will ever wear!  With time, a little drama, and no lack of imagination, Lulupop realizes that wearing dresses is not always the best choice.  Susan felt that of the many, many picture books out there, very few were appealing to both adult and child.  It seemed a bit puzzling to her since it is parents that purchase and read the book over and over again to their child.  Thanks for thinking of us Susan!!

The story is based on Susan's daughter Leah who would throw a tantrum every morning when she had to get dressed for preschool because she never wanted to wear pants.  Susan began to think of different scenarios where wearing a dress would be inappropriate and that's how she came up with her story line.  She thought that the story would resonate with Moms going through the same thing.  Confirmed!!  My eldest  went through the exact same phase where she only wanted to wear dresses.  Through the story, my daughter recognized (with some humor) that Lulupop didn’t always make the most practical wardrobe decisions! Thankfully my youngest has not gone through this phase – perhaps in part to Lulupop?  Who knows?!

Although the book is targeted for girls between the ages of 5-8 years of age, younger girls and even boys seem to enjoy it too.  They too become attached to their clothing.  My two year old is fascinated by it as well because she loves the illustrations made by Alexandre Rouillard.  He did fabulous job !

susan Lanyi pants no chance lulupop kid book mademoiselle jules mlle

It took Susan seven years to get published and she sent her manuscript of "Pants! No Chance!" to at least 30 different publishers over the years.  That's perseverance! Now her book is available at Oink Oink and Babar on Greene Street in Westmount and also on Amazon.  You can read more of Susan stories on her website at . We hope Susan will publish a second story very soon!

I would like to conclude with the importance and benefits of reading to your child.  It's a unique and intimate bonding time void of the daily hustle and bustle. It provides children with a sense of intimacy and well-being that ultimately draws them closer to you.  It also instills in them a positive  attitude towards reading and promotes increased communication between you and your child.